TEKNOSAINS : Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Informatika 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Wilarso Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Teknosains</strong> : This frequently published Journal of Science, Technology and Informatics publishes academic articles, scientific papers, philosophical papers, experiments and notes on case studies covering general fields. After a rigorous peer-review process, article manuscripts are written. Volume 7, No.1 Edition of the e-Journal. In January 2010, TEKNOSAINS was released. In printed copies, the earlier TEKNOSAINS Papers were written. Operated and written by LPPMPK-Muhammadiyah Cileungsi College of Technology, Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. TEKNOSAINS: Journal of Research, Technology and Informatics. As a publisher, the current developments in research, technology, and computer science are explored and revised in general. Acceptance of articles in Indonesian and English.</p> <p><strong>ISSN: </strong><strong><a title="2087-3336 (Print)" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2087-3336 (Print)</a> | </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2721-4729 (Online)</a></strong></p> <p>In January and July, twice a year, the TEKNOSAINS journal publishes</p> Effect of buoyancy force on buoyancy waterwheel efficiency using numerical flow simulation 2024-03-29T02:43:29+00:00 Fadlurrahman Zaki Dan Mugisidi <p>In this work, the performance of a buoyant waterwheel to produce hydrokinetic power is investigated through analytical theory and computational fluid dynamics simulation. The impact of the buoyancy wheel is investigated by establishing the performance parameters through the use of a moving mesh approach and a realizable k-ε turbulence model. Transient simulation is required to comprehend the flow of physical processes. Using moving mesh as a transient methodology of the buoyancy waterwheel, numerical flow simulations and theoretical analytical methods are used in this study to assess the effect of buoyant force generated on the performance of the buoyancy wheel. The buoyancy waterwheel that will be put to the test has eight straight blades and a diameter of one meter.&nbsp; The pinwheel force and torque created in the numerical flow simulation (CFD) are 414.96 N and 207.48 Nm, respectively, whereas in the theoretical calculation they are 449.06 N and 224.53 Nm, according to the research findings. It is possible to compute the buoyancy wheel's power output and efficiency mathematically, yielding values of 1619.35 W and 68.07%. The buoyancy wheel's power output and efficiency, as determined by numerical flow simulation, are 1495.95 W and 62.88%, respectively. Based on theoretical and CFD study results, the buoyancy wheel generates a standard deviation of 7.62%. Thus, for the buoyancy wheel, a temporary method that makes advantage of the moving mesh characteristic is advised. This method can also be applied as a future alternative energy source for the Piko hydro turbine</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fadlurrahman Zaki, Dan Mugisidi Effect of the number of blades in palm oil chopping machine 2024-04-01T01:05:29+00:00 Fajar David Aminuddin Anis Siti Nurrohkayati Muhammad Ali Rohmatulloh <p>A single hectare of oil palms may yield 10 tons of fronds annually, with young oil palms producing 40–56 fronds and mature oil palms producing 40–48 fronds. One kind of solid debris that comes from making palm oil is called palm oil fronds. A method is required to lessen palm frond waste because substantial volumes of it will still need to degrade. Waste palm fronds are reduced in size and broken down more quickly with the assistance of a chopping machine. But for slicing palm frond trash, the frond machines that are now in use are not the best. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether adding more blades to a chopping machine's cutting knife can enhance the chopping process. Two designs with 19 and 26 blades were manufactured and tested for the research, and the results were compared with the cutting knife design from the prior study, which had 24 blades. According to the test results, adding additional blades to the cutting knife will improve the machine's effective capacity by 14.22% and decrease the size of waste palm fronds and leaves, allowing the machine to operate more efficiently. In addition, reducing the size of palm fronds with more knives can make them easier to break down</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ali Rohmatulloh, Anis Siti Nurrohkayati, Fajar David Aminuddin Analysis of speed using optocoupler sensors on electric boats in Sayung Demak 2024-03-31T06:20:57+00:00 Aisa Fitriani Dwi Maharani Supari Satria Pinandita <p>In the Indonesian archipelago, boats play a major role in people's daily mobility. In the realm of transportation, especially on sea vessels, it is crucial to keep an eye on the circumstances and state of affairs when traveling long distances. The objective of this study is to use an optocoupler sensor based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and a real-time monitoring technique to track the speed of an electric boat. This instrument can be tested using three different treatments: low-level gas, medium-level gas, and high-level gas with five repetitions. Motor speed was measured at 938 Rpm with a Knot difference of 0.7 utilizing XSpeed and an optocoupler sensor for low-speed measurements. Using an optocoupler sensor and XSpeed, the medium speed tests yielded a motor speed of 1205.6 Rpm and a Knot difference of 1.7. Using an optocoupler sensor and XSpeed, high-speed measurements yielded a motor speed of 1985.4 Rpm and a Knot difference of 1.2. Because the Blynk application may display data of both boat speed and motor rotational speed, readings obtained from the optocoupler sensor yield higher accuracy than those obtained from the comparison application XSpeed</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aisa Fitriani Dwi Maharani, Supari, Satria Pinandita Design of the pistol P1 weapon storage system shelf using fingerprint electronic system in the TNI-AD units 2024-03-23T08:41:36+00:00 Subaktiar Prayogi Dekki Widiatmoko Mokhammad Syafaat Dedi Pradigdo Rafi Maulana Alfarizi Aguk Sridaryono <p>One of the most important aspects of preventing illegal usage of firearms is safe storage. An inventive way to guarantee that only authorized owners can access the firearms is to incorporate fingerprint technology into the design of electric firearm storage systems. The use of fingerprint technology to increase the security of gun storage is desperately needed. However, issues with the finger's health, such as stains, cuts, and dampness, can impair the accuracy of the detection. This study employs a quantitative methodology using five fingerprint detection situations to test the accuracy of the system. The Arduino ESP was used as the foundation for the system implementation throughout the nine months that the research was conducted at the Kodiklatad Poltekad Electronics Laboratory. According to the test results, the system has 100% accuracy in identifying five different fingerprint detecting scenarios. But limitations are implied by the system's incapacity to identify damp, damaged, or dusty fingertips. Consequently, further thought must be given to these circumstances in order to improve system reliability. The design of an electric gun storage unit using Arduino ESP-based fingerprint technology has the potential to increase the security of gun storage, but more work is needed to address some issues that limit detection accuracy</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Subaktiar Prayogi, Dekki Widiatmoko, Mokhammad Syafaat, Dedi Pradigdo, Rafi Maulana Alfarizi, Aguk Sridaryono Prediction of the level of crime cases using multiple linear regression in the city of Pontianak 2024-04-03T04:48:58+00:00 Fadillah Bergas Sucipto Asrul Abdullah <p>This study aims to develop a predictive model for the crime rate in the Police Resort Area of Kota (POLRESTA) Pontianak using the Multiple Linear Regression method based on secondary data obtained from the Criminal Investigation Unit of POLRESTA Pontianak. The utilization of descriptive statistical techniques and data visualization aids in identifying relevant features that enrich the information within the model. The evaluation results indicate that this model performs well in both modeling and predicting crime rates in Kota Pontianak. Despite the variations in error rates between training and testing data, the model still demonstrates its proficiency in predicting known data. The testing results also reveal that the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) values for each crime category exhibit variations in the testing dataset, with MAPE for "Berat" increasing to 12.91%, MAPE for "Sedang" increasing to 30.11%, and MAPE for "Ringan" increasing to 26.59%. Consequently, this study concludes that the Multiple Linear Regression method holds potential as an effective tool for decision-making and the development of strategies to combat criminal activities in Kota Pontianak</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fadillah Bergas, Sucipto, Asrul Abdullah Analysis of reject pinhole hardfacing process for stellite alloy metal motorcycle engine valves 2024-04-03T04:48:33+00:00 Aswin Domodite Hilman Sholih Irfan khoerudin <p>If businesses wish to compete in the industrial world, they must produce quality and process results. No matter how big or little, some goods will always fail to generate or be rejected in a production process. In this case, companies in the automobile sector have noticed an increase in the number of pinholes that have been returned during the past three months. The company established a maximum reject rate of 0.9% each month based on the rejected data; from May to July, the average reject rate was 0.23%. Finding the factors causing the surge in pinhole rejects that occurred between May and July is the aim of this investigation. The analysis showed that the increase in pinhole rejects was caused by a variety of variables, including machine, process, and human factors. Further examination disclosed alterations to the device's configuration and software, along with the operator's persistent incapacity to comprehend the process. As operations become less efficient, repair components build up in the manufacturing line area. As a result, an improvement plan is needed, which is put into action by giving operator training and rearranging the machine and its software according to process requirements. Operators with a greater understanding of the process yield better results and higher productivity. As a result, operator confidence will rise along with performance. It was discovered that after developments in the field of human resource development, the number of rejections had dropped. Before the repair was finished, the average reject from May to July 2023 was 0.23%; following the repair, the average reject from August to October 2023 was 0.09%</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aswin Domodite, Hilman Sholih, Irfan khoerudin Infus liquid monitoring system using web-based loadcell sensor 2024-04-03T04:47:54+00:00 Riandi Gustiawan Gustiawan Fajar Kholid Sa'id Ainul Yaqin Dekki Widiatmoko Kasiyanto <p>Improvements in the efficiency and precision of using the Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor infusion fluid volumes have been particularly beneficial to the health sector. It is now feasible to create intelligent solutions that replace labor-intensive and error-prone manual techniques with the aid of affordable devices like the ESP8266 and accurate sensors. Through the use of an internet connection, the server may easily receive data on the volume of infusion fluids collected by the ESP8266-based system and precision sensors. This enables remote access to real-time monitoring using a web platform. The main advantage of this technology is that it allows medical personnel to adequately monitor patients even when they are nearm not them. This reduces patient distraction and gives patients more time to focus on important medical tasks. By using this technology, healthcare personnel can improve the quality of treatment they give by reducing the chance of human error when calculating and changing IV bags. When medical staff has access to dependable and real-time data updates, they can manage IV fluid management more skillfully and respond to changes in patient situations more quickly. All things considered, these advancements represent significant strides forward in the administration of intravenous fluids, offering more accurate, effective, and conveniently accessible solutions that elevate the bar for healthcare overall</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riandi Gustiawan Gustiawan, Fajar Kholid; Sa'id Ainul Yaqin, Dekki Widiatmoko, Kasiyanto Monitoring the security system at pistol storage based on a web server in army units 2024-04-03T05:24:28+00:00 Imam Farhan Santoso Heri Setiawan Aguk Sridaryono Dekki Widiatmoko Kasiyanto <p>The employment of security features is crucial to the operation of many modern electronic gadgets in the current 5.0 era as time and technology advance. This means that we must keep coming up with new ideas and producing instruments that will enhance security. Among the many issues that come up is the fact that guns are still registered, checked out, and returned using public books, which leaves space for data tampering or the chance that the books are lost. The primary goal of this research is to create and execute a web-based system that uses fingerprints to monitor the borrowing and return of firearms. Because of its nature online-his, this system will streamline operations and enable users to conveniently view inventory from any location. Researchers employ literature methodology, which includes reading, debating, synthesizing, and developing the concepts employed, in addition to employing laboratory techniques and the necessary tools to accomplish their objectives. The web server on which the security monitoring system for keeping firearms is based has undergone extensive testing and analysis, and the findings indicate that generally, the device can operate as intended. This conclusion is based on traffic analysis and access patterns on the web server. Following the completion of five tests with a 95% accuracy rate. Finally, the security monitoring system for the storage of firearms is based on a web server and has undergone extensive testing and analysis with a 90% speed and accuracy rate; the findings indicate that, on the whole, the instrument can perform as intended</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Imam Farhan Santoso, Heri Setiawan; Aguk Sridaryono, Dekki Widiatmoko, Kasiyanto Work environment standardization for the t-shirt production process at CV Nanda Konveksi using lean principles 2024-06-30T19:44:40+00:00 Lina Aulia Almirah Amanda Putri M Zaky Hadi <p>The purpose of this study is to standardize the workplace to meet CV ND Konveksi's goals for working hours. The variety of t-shirt production process timings at CV ND Konveksi, the unknown production process time for each type of t-shirt, and the nonconformity of Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) with actual work techniques are all impacted by current work environment issues. Using process activity mapping, observations were conducted of every step in the t-shirt production process to gather data for the study. By classifying the value of operations into three categories—value added, no value added, and no value added but necessary—the outcomes of data processing are assessed. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is used to perform a root cause analysis based on the activity categories whose values have been determined. The identification of the root cause of the issue was based on the source of the problem that was experienced. This root cause was the absence of standardization in the work environment, which led to the formation of wasteful practices such as searching. The 5S principle (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke) is applied in the work environment standardization strategy. When CV ND Konveksi Lampung adopted the 5S program, performance productivity increased by 10%, the value ratio decreased by reducing NNVA activities by 22 and NVA by 13, and the processing time efficiency increased by 30%, from 19.7 minutes to 13.9 minutes for the production of a single t-shirt. Another result was activity efficiency, which came in at 22%. Of the activities, 15 could be deleted because they contributed no value</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Almirah Amanda Putri, Lina Aulia, M Zaky Hadi A design of cross-selling products based on frequent itemset mining for coffee shop business 2024-06-30T19:46:41+00:00 M Zaky Hadi Ari Hasudungan Pratama Pasaribu Fatin Saffanah Didin Lina Aulia <p>Using a case study at the XYZ coffee shop in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, this work conducts knowledge extraction on a sales dataset to create a cross-selling model for product bundling advice. Understanding Knowledge extraction was done using a frequent itemset mining technique based on an Apriori algorithm to extract a set of association rules between products. The study implemented a five-stage frequent itemset structure that encompasses business comprehension, data preparation, data exploration, model creation using the Apriori algorithm, and rules evaluation. The framework that comes from this research provides a set of bundling association rules across items for cross-selling strategies that involve many products and complex sales timeframes. Additionally, we recommended sales activities based on loyalty cards to enhance our dataset with consumer attributes and purchasing trends. Based on customized services and tailored offers based on consumers' past purchases and spending patterns, the loyalty card recommendation was created. Consequently, we may target the appropriate clients and items with our marketing initiatives</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Hasudungan Pratama Pasaribu, M Zaky Hadi, Fatin Saffanah Didin, Lina Aulia Marketing strategy to increase sales volume using the AHP method in business XY Tebing Tinggi City 2024-04-26T01:00:06+00:00 Syukriah Sri Meutia Andini Khairunisyah Siregar Angela Prima Ranika <p>Business xy is one of the culinary industries typical of the city of Tebing Tinggi which operates in the bakery sector which is located in Rambutan District, Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra. Xy's business experienced a decline in sales due to increasingly fierce competition selling similar products and a decline in sales due to failure to implement appropriate marketing strategies. By considering these problems, to increase product sales volume, it is necessary to create a marketing mix strategy that uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This method will evaluate how consumers view the marketing mix features of peanut bread products. Apart from that, several alternative strategies will be given as references to be implemented in company xy, Tebing Tinggi City. The result of determining the marketing mix priority weights that must be applied to market products is that the strategy to increase market share (41%) focuses on the promotional mix. Alternative strategies that can be implemented include maintaining product quality as the main priority in the product mix (42%), setting prices with quality as the main priority in the product mix (31%), strategic sales locations (44%) as the main priority in the place mix, and increasing market share (44%) as the main priority of the venue mix, and increasing promotional activities on social media (35%) of the promotional mix</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syukriah, Sri Meutia, Andini Khairunisyah Siregar, Angela Prima Ranika Implementation of the SN04 Roko metal sensor on a 5.56 mm caliber portable magazine feeder 2024-05-12T05:49:12+00:00 Fajar Dermawan Tamboenan Mokhammad Syafaat Ade Setiawan Dekki Widiatmoko Rafi Maulana Al-farizi <p>Roko SN04 Metal Sensor technology and equipment are evolving and growing more advanced with time. One type of equipment that needs to consider both the user's safety and the equipment's development and safety is technological equipment used in the military. The soldiers can shoot and do so with skill. As a result, soldiers must be able to move swiftly against the enemy and vigilant when utilizing combat equipment to ensure that it is used correctly and for its intended purpose. Nevertheless, there are still several fighting tools in the military that require a lot of physical labor, making them exceedingly inefficient for the user. One such tool is the portable magazine for 5.56-millimeter ammunition. This study employed the 4D methodology, which stands for Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. Development research is a part of this methodology. A device for loading magazines has been created to make it easier for soldiers to move in situations where loading bullets by hand is still risky and impractical. The Roko SN04 sensor is used in the construction of this tool. One sensor that can be used as a metal detector is the Roko SN04. This magazine refill gadget uses a DC motor as a mechanic and an Arduino as a control to randomly arrange ammunition. This study's success rate was 96.67%</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Dermawan Tamboenan, Mokhammad Syafaat, Ade Setiawan, Dekki Widiatmoko, Rafi Maulana Al-farizi Sentiment analysis on twitter about the death penalty using the support vector machine method 2024-05-12T05:49:38+00:00 Sriani Aidil Halim Lubis Lia Putri Ashari Lubis <p>It is estimated that 175 million people in Indonesia utilize the Internet, according to the most recent We Are Social survey. 160 million of them are internet users who utilize social media, according to this data. It is estimated that 19.5 million Indonesians use Twitter. This is consistent with the numerous tweets that users have posted on Twitter about a variety of topics, including politics, music, health, and education. The death penalty is still one of the most popular subjects that is addressed on Twitter. When a judge rules that someone will be executed as retribution for a crime they have committed, this is referred to as the death penalty. As a result, sentiment analysis utilizing the Support Vector Machine technique with linear kernel features and Python programming was used to study public opinions on the death sentence. To improve the accuracy of the results obtained, data labeling on 848 data that were received through the scraping process was done manually in this study. Positive data is categorized as belonging to the class that supports the death sentence, while negative data is categorized as belonging to the class that opposes it. The study that was done shows an 8:2 difference between the training and test data. After preprocessing a dataset containing 758 data points, of which 606 will be utilized for training and 152 for testing, we obtain 91% accuracy, 91% precision, 100% recall, and 95% f1-score</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sriani, Aidil Halim Lubis, Lia Putri Ashari Lubis Feasibility analysis of the veil convection business using value engineering for cost efficiency 2024-06-03T13:27:00+00:00 Dilla Amri Muhammad Zakaria <p>The veil business is a business that operates in the veil manufacturing industry. The products produced vary according to consumer demand and the stock produced. This headscarf product has spread to several areas of Aceh, such as Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, and Langsa, especially the Bireuen City area, and has collaborated with several Islamic boarding schools. The headcarf models released by this company greatly influence consumer demand. The better the material, model, and quality, the more consumer demand for convection will increase. This research aims to analyze the feasibility of developing a veil convection business using a value engineering method and financial feasibility. The research results were obtained using the analytical hierarchy process method and vacuum engineering. The chosen alternative is model 1, with a weight of 0.53, a square hijab type, standard material, soft colors, and zipper accessories according to consumer demand. And the results of the financial aspect calculations show that the Ita Hijab convection business has a positive NPV of IDR 29,373,042, with a BEP of 480 units. The payback period for investment capital is 5 months. If you look at the payback period calculation with a BCR value &gt; 1, then the veil convection business is said to be worthy of investment</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dilla, Amri, Muhammad Zakaria IoT-based inventory monitoring system for SMEs 2024-06-03T13:43:44+00:00 Lora Ristio Gultom Vina Sari Yosephine <p>Industry 4.0's pervasive digital ideas have completely changed how businesses operate. A lot of big businesses have switched to digital systems. However, due to a lack of funding and digital infrastructure, SME sector digitalization issues still exist. Inventory management is one of the many manual methods that many SMEs still have to rely on, which makes it prone to error. To manage inventories more accurately and effectively, manual systems must be changed. The goal of this project is to improve inventory management efficiency by creating a dependable and affordable automated system. A cloud database is connected to the system to provide quick inventory monitoring on warehouse shelves. Prototyping and statistical testing are used in the study technique to evaluate the system's dependability. Using an Internet of Things-based single-board computer, the research creates an inventory monitoring system. With a daily implementation cost of IDR 642.92, the system is deemed cost-effective based on inventory monitoring results on warehouse shelves. Because the system's performance reached a Cronbach's alpha value greater than 0.8, the inventory management system used in the study is regarded as dependable for application in real-world systems to increase inventory management accuracy</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lora Ristio Gultom, Vina Sari Yosephine Reducing overnight charges in the loading process of finished goods using FMEA method at PT. XYZ 2024-06-09T22:56:47+00:00 Meilan Agustin Moh, Mawan Arifin Wahyu Inggar Fipiana <p>As a part of the supply chain, the logistics department plays a crucial role in the operational activities of a company. Like other departments, the logistics department also incurs costs that do not add value, such as overnight charges. Failure in the loading of finished goods process can result in a dwell time exceeding 18 hours per vehicle, leading to overnight charges. This occurrence can be prevented by identifying risks and failure modes using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). The FMEA methodology is widely utilized across various industries, including manufacturing, for product development. Additionally, FMEA is frequently employed in failure analysis in service industries, food services, construction, mining, agriculture, and healthcare. The research was conducted to identify failure modes and potential causes in the loading of finished goods process. In PT. XYZ, there are five finished goods storage areas. From the process of weigh-in time, loading finish goods, and weigh-out time, 25 activities were analyzed, and seven activities with the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) were selected for solutions. The activity with the highest RPN, scoring 512, was the queuing of trucks exceeding loading capacity. The why-why analysis technique was employed to assist in finding solutions. From the seven activities with the highest RPN, 9 solution plans were derived. The recommendation to reduce queue trucks is to organize and monitor the vehicles dispatched by the Freight Forwarder. As a result, the dwell time per vehicle decreased from 9.23 hours to 6.36 hours, and the overnight charges reduced from 148,145 USD to 12,345 USD</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Meilan Agustin, Moh, Mawan Arifin, Wahyu Inggar Fipiana Controlling merchandise inventory using the economic order quantity multi-item discount model method using Odoo software at UD. Ridho 2024-06-30T09:10:17+00:00 Khairul Anshar Subhan A. Gani Nurbayyinah Rangkuti <p>UD. Ridho is a business based in Jl. Sudirman Pekan Dolok Masihul, Dolok Masihul District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra, deals in the sale and purchase of goods. The business had an accumulation of surplus inventory, or overstock, which damaged the goods and kept them from going bad. resulting in total losses of Rp 154,104,00 from January 2023 to June 2023. Orders are placed by UD. Ridho for goods from five vendors. The EOQ Multi Item Model Discount Method is applied in this study using the Odoo software. The EOQ Multi-Item Discount Model is a technique for optimizing inventory costs by placing orders for commodities based on economic order amounts from many suppliers. Product categories offered by UD. Ridho Sugar, rice, wheat flour, instant noodles, soy sauce, detergent, salt, water, and edible oil are the ingredients of UD. Ridho. The discount model is applied to goods that receive a discount from the seller according to the quantity of goods bought. Instant noodles, rice, detergent, edible oil, and aqua are the products that are discounted. Applying the multi-item discount model approach with economic order quantity at UD. Ridho was able to save Rp 21,893,660, or 3.02% of the total amount. The Odoo software, which has three modules—inventory, purchasing, and sales orders—can be used with this paradigm to construct an inventory management application</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khairul Anshar, Subhan A. Gani Anshar, Nurbayyinah Rangkuti Evaluation of the Muara Satu Community Health Center in Lhokseumawe City's outpatient services' quality utilizing the importance-performance analysis approach and possible increase in customer value 2024-06-09T23:10:32+00:00 Meilinda Dhika Putri Bakhtiar Bakhtiar Amri <p>A dynamic state of people, processes, environments, goods, and services that either meet or beyond expectations is known as service quality. It is vital to improve services to compete and provide higher-quality services at the Muara Satu Community Health Center through initiatives to enhance human resources and ongoing performance improvement. The Muara Satu Community Health Center has received major accreditation for its services; however, as of yet, no reassessment has been conducted. The management of Puskesmas wishes to refine the accreditation to become plenary so that patient satisfaction can serve as a gauge of the success of the center's health services provided to the community. This study aims to evaluate the degree of agreement between patient interests and satisfaction and the Muara Satu Community Health Center's service quality performance. Additionally, it seeks to identify the attributes that should be given priority for service improvement through the application of the Potential Gain in Customer Value (PGCV) method. Patients' complaints regarding services, such as uncomfortable waiting rooms and a lack of information about the ailments they were suffering from, posed a challenge for this study. Five categories were created based on 17 characteristics of the patient requests made at the health center and were given to 58 pre-selected samples. This category includes Assurance, Empathy, Tangible, Reliability, and Responsive. The Muara Satu Health Center is required to implement seven priority orders for quality improvement based on the IPA and PGCV methods, based on data processing findings. These orders include requiring the Community Health Center staff to inform patients before providing services, having a comfortable waiting area, and having officers act quickly and appropriately when necessary. Facilities in Puskesmas are fully equipped. The types of ailments, their treatments, and how to take medication are all thoroughly explained by the doctor. Furthermore, physicians allot enough time for patient examinations</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Meilinda Dhika Putri, Bakhtiar Bakhtiar, Amri Warehouse material handling layout planning using the activity relationship chart method and blocplan 90 2024-06-19T03:06:04+00:00 Syahreen Nurmutia <p>This research aims to plan the layout of material handling in a warehouse using the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method which is supported by the application of Blocplan 90. In warehouse management, the layout of material handling plays a crucial role in operational efficiency and productivity. The ARC method is used to identify relationships between activities in the material handling process and Blocplan 90 is used as a tool to optimally arrange the warehouse layout. This research will involve analysis of various material handling activities, including storing, picking, and moving goods. By paying attention to the interrelationships between activities revealed by ARC, this research will produce layout recommendations that can increase efficiency, reduce travel time, and minimize the risk of accidents and damage to goods. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide practical guidance for warehouse planners to improve operational performance and optimize the use of storage space. Thus, this research provides a significant contribution in the context of logistics management and operational efficiency in warehouses. The results of this research show that there is a difference in OMH produced in the selected proposed layout, namely IDR 23,748/day from IDR 49,085/day. This shows that there is a reduction in OMH of 52%</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syahreen Nurmutia